Saturday, December 11, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Aparently it gets cold in certain parts of the country...
So i can't say fall has "snuck up" on me because it wasn't like it slowly began to get cold, all of a sudden one day i walked out to my car and there was frost (frozen water for all you arizona folks) on my car. At first i tried doing all i knew how to do...turn on my windshield wipers. When that only proved to scrap over the ice and not take it off, i resorted to a dumb plan B, wipe the ice off with my hand...nope that didn't work either and only suceeded to make my hands freezing. So finially i remembered my dad had given me an ice pick and said "someday you'll need this" well this someday was today. So i ran back to my apartment grabbed my ice pick and attempted to do something I never thought i'd ever do.
Now I've been told its only going to get colder here and while I like the change of the seasons, i don't think i'm prepared for it. I did an inventory of my "winter wear" the other day and it just isn't quite up to Oklahoma par. Heck in AZ we wear flip flops through winter!
So i went out and bought socks, gloves a coat, but i still don't know how I'm going to do this whole cold weather thing.
Ah well it's all part of the adventure.....
Now I've been told its only going to get colder here and while I like the change of the seasons, i don't think i'm prepared for it. I did an inventory of my "winter wear" the other day and it just isn't quite up to Oklahoma par. Heck in AZ we wear flip flops through winter!
So i went out and bought socks, gloves a coat, but i still don't know how I'm going to do this whole cold weather thing.
Ah well it's all part of the adventure.....
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I'm terrible...
I really have become quite terrible at updating. Its not that I have nothing to talk about, its just I remember at the wrong times that i need to update.
Well its still football season which means Dustin's still super busy and seeming to get busier now since the Cowboys are UnDEFEATED! It's awesome becuase they thought they would never do this well and their projected to go to a bowl game. The Insight Bowl is in the running which would be AWESOME becuase its in Tempe and it'd be great to go back there and show everyone my old stomping ground.
Homecomming is this weekend and aparently its a pretty big deal (just like every other game here). SO that should be fun.
Ok enough about football (even though that seems to be determining my life lately).
My Mom came the other weekend and stayed for about 5 days. It was nice to have her here and have someone from home. It did make me miss home a lil but I'm content being here and even though everyday is an adjustment I'm happy and thankful for the new experiences (and being with Dustin!)
And in other little Buggie is no more...I have officially gotten rid of the bug and purchased a new car. I had to think about it for about a month and a half but I finially decided on a black 2 door cobalt. It nice to have a car thats reliable and new but it was a little bittersweet saying goodbye to the bug. I've yelled at it many of times, but we've been though a lot together. But my new car is nice..i even went and bought some car wax and cleaner and took it to the car wash today. SO hopefully I can keep up this routine.
Well hopefully it wont be another month before the next update and I'm sure more even will be happening...
Well its still football season which means Dustin's still super busy and seeming to get busier now since the Cowboys are UnDEFEATED! It's awesome becuase they thought they would never do this well and their projected to go to a bowl game. The Insight Bowl is in the running which would be AWESOME becuase its in Tempe and it'd be great to go back there and show everyone my old stomping ground.
Homecomming is this weekend and aparently its a pretty big deal (just like every other game here). SO that should be fun.
Ok enough about football (even though that seems to be determining my life lately).
My Mom came the other weekend and stayed for about 5 days. It was nice to have her here and have someone from home. It did make me miss home a lil but I'm content being here and even though everyday is an adjustment I'm happy and thankful for the new experiences (and being with Dustin!)
And in other little Buggie is no more...I have officially gotten rid of the bug and purchased a new car. I had to think about it for about a month and a half but I finially decided on a black 2 door cobalt. It nice to have a car thats reliable and new but it was a little bittersweet saying goodbye to the bug. I've yelled at it many of times, but we've been though a lot together. But my new car is nice..i even went and bought some car wax and cleaner and took it to the car wash today. SO hopefully I can keep up this routine.
Well hopefully it wont be another month before the next update and I'm sure more even will be happening...
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Football Season in Oklahoma
I have come to discover in this town and this state that football and OSU rules. Its so different from growing up in Arizona were we produce nothing but dissapointing sports teams. Football is a way of life and everything revolves around the upcomming game and preping for it. There are real tailgates and people travel to come and see the team play. It's awesome that Dustin gets to be a part of something that holds so much respect for the town and the people.
Now I'm used to ASU football games where guys wear basketball shorts and sleevless shirts and the girls are in shorter than short shorts and tanks (haha sterotypical asu) but here- its SO DIFFERENT! Guys are wearing docker shorts orange oxfords and sperrys (or the true cowboys in their wranglers and cowboy hats) and the girls wear cute OSU sundresses and cowboy boots. Its a totally different world. I wore a skirt to the game last night something i would have NEVER done at ASU. I guess I'm in the south where football rules and its like any other event one would dress up for.
However the negative side of football season is that Dustin is ALWAYS busy. While I couldn't be more happy that i at least get to see him everyday, it is hard when he dosen't have a day off. But he's juggling school, work and me well but i know sometimes he just needs a moment to breathe.
Lastly, I'm still adjusting to Oklahoma life. I still dont wanna call myself an "Oklahoman" quite yet. It's just a true culture shock but i've met some great people and continue to adapt each day.
Now I'm used to ASU football games where guys wear basketball shorts and sleevless shirts and the girls are in shorter than short shorts and tanks (haha sterotypical asu) but here- its SO DIFFERENT! Guys are wearing docker shorts orange oxfords and sperrys (or the true cowboys in their wranglers and cowboy hats) and the girls wear cute OSU sundresses and cowboy boots. Its a totally different world. I wore a skirt to the game last night something i would have NEVER done at ASU. I guess I'm in the south where football rules and its like any other event one would dress up for.
However the negative side of football season is that Dustin is ALWAYS busy. While I couldn't be more happy that i at least get to see him everyday, it is hard when he dosen't have a day off. But he's juggling school, work and me well but i know sometimes he just needs a moment to breathe.
Lastly, I'm still adjusting to Oklahoma life. I still dont wanna call myself an "Oklahoman" quite yet. It's just a true culture shock but i've met some great people and continue to adapt each day.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Long overdo for an Update......
I guess I'm due for an update on what we've been up to for the past month...
Dustin and I are settling into our Oklahoma life. He's been really busy with football and I got a job at a local car dealership so I've been working full time. I'm not quite ready to call Oklahoma "home" but its feeling more normal to me everyday. Its so weird that one of us isn't going to take off on an airplane and go cross the country. Living in the same place has been great-everything we thought it'd be and more. Things that couples take for granite by being with each other all the time-we know is special becuase we know what else there could be. For the first time in our relationship Dustin was able to pick me up at my apartment for a date. Its little things like that that ae normal to everyone else, are all new for us.
We've met a lot of great people here in Stillwater. We've gone out and experienced the Oklahoma night life...and it is definatly different than anything I've experienced. The culture here has been the biggest change for me. Its definatly a conservative-cowboy-cattle raising-superduty truck- town. But then again theres the other side which has more of what i'm comfortable with. It's an adjustment definatly.
Dustin's doing really well with the football team. He's liking being challenged and all the experiences. Football definatly reigns supreme in this town and in Oklahoma and being connected with it is a dig deal.
SO a month in, everything's been going well. School starts on monday for Dustin and the first football game is the 4th. I'm excited for football and to see this small town go crazy.
Dustin and I are settling into our Oklahoma life. He's been really busy with football and I got a job at a local car dealership so I've been working full time. I'm not quite ready to call Oklahoma "home" but its feeling more normal to me everyday. Its so weird that one of us isn't going to take off on an airplane and go cross the country. Living in the same place has been great-everything we thought it'd be and more. Things that couples take for granite by being with each other all the time-we know is special becuase we know what else there could be. For the first time in our relationship Dustin was able to pick me up at my apartment for a date. Its little things like that that ae normal to everyone else, are all new for us.
We've met a lot of great people here in Stillwater. We've gone out and experienced the Oklahoma night life...and it is definatly different than anything I've experienced. The culture here has been the biggest change for me. Its definatly a conservative-cowboy-cattle raising-superduty truck- town. But then again theres the other side which has more of what i'm comfortable with. It's an adjustment definatly.
Dustin's doing really well with the football team. He's liking being challenged and all the experiences. Football definatly reigns supreme in this town and in Oklahoma and being connected with it is a dig deal.
SO a month in, everything's been going well. School starts on monday for Dustin and the first football game is the 4th. I'm excited for football and to see this small town go crazy.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
New Beginnings in Stillwater and A Surprise Trip to ATL!
Well I feel like an update is needed as a lot has happened in the past weeks.
On June 30th I left Arizona and headed to Oklahoma. It was weird leaving knowing that this was the last time I'd be here actually living here. But it was all bittersweet knowing that I'd be with Dustin soon. The first day we drive to Santa Rosa, NM. The next day we drove from Santa Rosa all the way to Stillwater OK!
The first few days were spent unpacking and figuring out how I wanted my apartment to look. It's still weird to think that I have my own place. I've never really been on my own and it's still taking some getting used to.
My Family left that following wednesday and it was sad to see them leave. I really appreciated everything they helped me with and did for me. I'll miss them but its time to spread the wings!!
So I didn't have too long to settle into my new home because thursday Dustin was taking me on a mystery vacation! He'd been telling me about this for the past few weeks-never letting me know where we were actually going. I was just told what to pack and to come with him to the Airport. It wasn't until after we'd checked our bags that he reveled where we were going.........ATLANTA! At first I was like "Atlanta, whats there?" The first thing that popped into my mind was the 1996 Olympics with Kerri Strug and the US Gymnastics team, but Dustin soon reveled what our plans where going to be. We would be going to THE WORLDS LARGEST AQUARIUM, the CNN center, the Atlanta Zoo, Atlanta History Center and out for a Sushi Dinner. It was so nice and flattering to know that he took the time out to think of me and plan all of this w/o me knowing about it.
After a few airport delays we finally made it to Atlanta. We had to take the subway from the airport to our hotel and let me tell you it's not something I'd ever want to have to do alone. We stayed at the Marriott Marquis in downtown Atlanta and this hotel was huge! it was about 50 stories and the entire inside of the hotel was open so if you stood in the center and looked up you would be able to see until the top floor!
The next morning we got up and headed out for the Atlanta Zoo. After trying to figure out the Atlanta bus and subway system again we finally made it to the Zoo. Highlights of the Zoo? It wasn't too crowded and we got the see Pandas! After the Zoo and 2 bus rides and a brief walk later we were at the Atlanta History Center. They had an exhibit for the 1996 Olympics which I loved and other exhibits about the Civil war and the history of Atlanta. That night I took Dustin out for a (belated) birthday dinner at Bennihannas and then we headed back to the hotel.
The next day was AQUARIUM DAY! This was most defiantly my favorite part of the whole trip. This aquarium was huge! Highlight of the day was getting to go on a behind the scenes tour of the Aquarium and seeing their 6.2 million gallon tank with 4, 20 foot Whale Sharks. It was neat to be able to see how everything works and see a different perspective. I don't know why but I love aquariums and the Georgia Aquarium was the reason why Dustin decided to take me to Atlanta.
Our behind the scenes wasn't over since we were next heading over to the CNN center where the CNN headquarters is. We were able to go on a behind the scenes tour of the center and even get to see a live broadcast and meet two of the reporters. After CNN we headed over to our dinner reservations at the Sushi Restaurant and then head back to our hotel.
The following day we said goodbye to Atlanta and heading back to Oklahoma! Overall it was an awesome trip and I am so thankful and appreciative that Dustin took the time to plan it and think of me.
Well now we're back in Stillwater it's time for me to crack down and find a job! Today I actually have two interviews today so I am hoping those go well and soon I'll be employed!
On June 30th I left Arizona and headed to Oklahoma. It was weird leaving knowing that this was the last time I'd be here actually living here. But it was all bittersweet knowing that I'd be with Dustin soon. The first day we drive to Santa Rosa, NM. The next day we drove from Santa Rosa all the way to Stillwater OK!
The first few days were spent unpacking and figuring out how I wanted my apartment to look. It's still weird to think that I have my own place. I've never really been on my own and it's still taking some getting used to.
My Family left that following wednesday and it was sad to see them leave. I really appreciated everything they helped me with and did for me. I'll miss them but its time to spread the wings!!
So I didn't have too long to settle into my new home because thursday Dustin was taking me on a mystery vacation! He'd been telling me about this for the past few weeks-never letting me know where we were actually going. I was just told what to pack and to come with him to the Airport. It wasn't until after we'd checked our bags that he reveled where we were going.........ATLANTA! At first I was like "Atlanta, whats there?" The first thing that popped into my mind was the 1996 Olympics with Kerri Strug and the US Gymnastics team, but Dustin soon reveled what our plans where going to be. We would be going to THE WORLDS LARGEST AQUARIUM, the CNN center, the Atlanta Zoo, Atlanta History Center and out for a Sushi Dinner. It was so nice and flattering to know that he took the time out to think of me and plan all of this w/o me knowing about it.
After a few airport delays we finally made it to Atlanta. We had to take the subway from the airport to our hotel and let me tell you it's not something I'd ever want to have to do alone. We stayed at the Marriott Marquis in downtown Atlanta and this hotel was huge! it was about 50 stories and the entire inside of the hotel was open so if you stood in the center and looked up you would be able to see until the top floor!
The next morning we got up and headed out for the Atlanta Zoo. After trying to figure out the Atlanta bus and subway system again we finally made it to the Zoo. Highlights of the Zoo? It wasn't too crowded and we got the see Pandas! After the Zoo and 2 bus rides and a brief walk later we were at the Atlanta History Center. They had an exhibit for the 1996 Olympics which I loved and other exhibits about the Civil war and the history of Atlanta. That night I took Dustin out for a (belated) birthday dinner at Bennihannas and then we headed back to the hotel.
The next day was AQUARIUM DAY! This was most defiantly my favorite part of the whole trip. This aquarium was huge! Highlight of the day was getting to go on a behind the scenes tour of the Aquarium and seeing their 6.2 million gallon tank with 4, 20 foot Whale Sharks. It was neat to be able to see how everything works and see a different perspective. I don't know why but I love aquariums and the Georgia Aquarium was the reason why Dustin decided to take me to Atlanta.
Our behind the scenes wasn't over since we were next heading over to the CNN center where the CNN headquarters is. We were able to go on a behind the scenes tour of the center and even get to see a live broadcast and meet two of the reporters. After CNN we headed over to our dinner reservations at the Sushi Restaurant and then head back to our hotel.
The following day we said goodbye to Atlanta and heading back to Oklahoma! Overall it was an awesome trip and I am so thankful and appreciative that Dustin took the time to plan it and think of me.
Well now we're back in Stillwater it's time for me to crack down and find a job! Today I actually have two interviews today so I am hoping those go well and soon I'll be employed!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Goodbye Arizona I'm off to Oklahoma!
So here I am on the eve of my departure from Arizona to Oklahoma. Its a bittersweet feeling. Dustin and I have been waiting for this moment for the past 3 years. Its insane to think about what we've been through during this time and the distance that separated us. When I look back on that time-it does seem as if it's just flown by, but then it seemed as if it'd be forever until we got to this point.
When Dustin and i first got together, we had a plan for what our lives would be like after we graduated, and things didn't go the way we had planned. I can still recall the day we found out Dustin didn't get into ASU's athletic training program- it was a crushing blow as we came to the reality of our situation. There was no way I was going to spend another year away from him.
It's a strange thing to be leaving Arizona, I've grown up here and it hasn't really hit me yet that I'm leaving. It feels like this is my version of "going off to college" since i didn't go out of state. I'm saying goodbye to all these places and people I've seen everyday for 18 years.
I'll miss my family and the comforts of home and I am appreciative of all of their support and love these past fews years and with this decision. I know its not easy for them for me to leave, but they know that it's time for me to start something new.
I am a firm believer that nothing in life is fate-that everything happens for a reason. Never did I think I'd go on a vacation to Indiana and meet the love of my life and never did I think it'd be at this point-about to leave my childhood home and move to a place where I only know him. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I'd be moving to Oklahoma, but here I am going. But as I leave I am confident and know that I am making the right choice. I love him more than anything in this world and am so excited to start this new chapter in our lives.
So goodbye Arizona-it's been fun and don't worry I'll come back and visit.
When Dustin and i first got together, we had a plan for what our lives would be like after we graduated, and things didn't go the way we had planned. I can still recall the day we found out Dustin didn't get into ASU's athletic training program- it was a crushing blow as we came to the reality of our situation. There was no way I was going to spend another year away from him.
It's a strange thing to be leaving Arizona, I've grown up here and it hasn't really hit me yet that I'm leaving. It feels like this is my version of "going off to college" since i didn't go out of state. I'm saying goodbye to all these places and people I've seen everyday for 18 years.
I'll miss my family and the comforts of home and I am appreciative of all of their support and love these past fews years and with this decision. I know its not easy for them for me to leave, but they know that it's time for me to start something new.
I am a firm believer that nothing in life is fate-that everything happens for a reason. Never did I think I'd go on a vacation to Indiana and meet the love of my life and never did I think it'd be at this point-about to leave my childhood home and move to a place where I only know him. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I'd be moving to Oklahoma, but here I am going. But as I leave I am confident and know that I am making the right choice. I love him more than anything in this world and am so excited to start this new chapter in our lives.
So goodbye Arizona-it's been fun and don't worry I'll come back and visit.
Friday, June 11, 2010
St. Thomas & The Next Step
Well we got back from our vacation in St. Thomas last week and really enjoyed it! We are very thankful for my mom doing the whole trip for us and being there. St. Thomas is a very pretty area and the resort that we stayed at (Marriot Frenchman’s Reef & Morning Star) is amazing. When we first got to the airport it seemed like we were going to land in the water because the runway literally starts right where the water ends. The airport is very small and when you get off they have FREE rum shots for you to take. I am getting to old to do shots nowadays and decided to pass that opportunity up. There was also a guy who was playing Caribbean music and it was a nice welcoming. We then got our bags and were on our way to the resort. The water there is beautiful and the downtown is all stores to lure tourist in. We stayed there for a week and got to see St. Johns, go snorkeling (even though Gina is afraid of fish), parasailing, layout, go up to the pool bar, eat at this restaurant called Paradise Point, and shopping. It was the first, and probably the only, time I saw Gina actually not buy anything and kinda complain about shopping (due to the humidity). I was absolutely amazed at what was occurring as I am usually the one wanting to get out of there. But to conclude with St. Thomas it was pretty, fun, and a great experience.
Now I am currently in Stillwater, Oklahoma at Oklahoma St. University working with their football team. I love the facilities here and the people. It truly is a great place to work and everyone her enjoys life and what they do, so it’s defiantly a good thing to be around with. I moved down this past weekend and it was roughly an 11 hour drive from home. My dad helped me move and you never really notice how much “crap” you have until you actually move it. I am living by myself and waiting on Gina to move down to OK! Living by yourself has its ups and downs. I enjoy the silence and time to yourself but you do get lonely. It will nice to have Gina down here (which will be around July 4th weekend) so I can have something to look forward to when I get off work. This is going to be a HUGE step in our relationship but is something that we have waited for, for a looonnnngggg time. I can’t wait to be able to enjoy a “normal” relationship and be able to experience “date night” and just spending time together whenever we want. It will be nice to finally have time on our side, which will be forever, because Gina is the love of my life and the one I want to spend forever with!
Now I am currently in Stillwater, Oklahoma at Oklahoma St. University working with their football team. I love the facilities here and the people. It truly is a great place to work and everyone her enjoys life and what they do, so it’s defiantly a good thing to be around with. I moved down this past weekend and it was roughly an 11 hour drive from home. My dad helped me move and you never really notice how much “crap” you have until you actually move it. I am living by myself and waiting on Gina to move down to OK! Living by yourself has its ups and downs. I enjoy the silence and time to yourself but you do get lonely. It will nice to have Gina down here (which will be around July 4th weekend) so I can have something to look forward to when I get off work. This is going to be a HUGE step in our relationship but is something that we have waited for, for a looonnnngggg time. I can’t wait to be able to enjoy a “normal” relationship and be able to experience “date night” and just spending time together whenever we want. It will be nice to finally have time on our side, which will be forever, because Gina is the love of my life and the one I want to spend forever with!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Graduation Glee and the next steps..
So I guess quite a lot has happened in the past few days.
This past weekend Dustin and I both graduated from college. Dustin graduated from Purdue on Sunday and I graduated from ASU on Saturday. It was sad that we couldn't be with each other on our graduation days, but we're happy we'll get to see each other soon!
My feelings about graduation are mixed. Don't get me wrong I am VERY HAPPY to be done with college. But its an odd feeling to be done. At this point I don't foresee any more schooling for quite some time. It feels like a weights been lifted off of me and I can finally say I've done it. Initially, I didn't want to walk at my graduation ceremony. I didn't really know anyone in my major and it just didn't seem important to me to walk. In the end I'm glad I did. I am able to say I was apart of that and it helped to really sink in the fact that I'm done!
Sunday meredith and I went to go see GLEE live in concert! OMGlee!!! Dustin got my tickets for a graduation gift and I am so thankful that he did. The show was amazing and it was awesome to see all these characters in real life, and they actually can sing!
The next step is Vacations and then moving! Dustin flies out to Vegas this weekend for a boys trip and then I'll be flying to Indiana on Monday. Then on Thursday we'll all fly to ST. THOMAS!! oh i need a vacation so badly and I am so excited to spend this time with Dustin! After St. Thomas, Dustin will head out to OKlahoma and I'll go back to work for a month until I head out there in July.
I heard from my apartment complex today and got the finial word on my apartment and all the details that go along with it. It's all starting to become a reality. I can't believe we're finally going to be living in the same place together; something we've been waiting for since we first met. I'm so excited to see him everyday and for our adventure that awaits us in Oklahoma!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
I doubted if I should ever come back...
I had the pleasure this evening of spending some time with my good friend Maggie She's one of the few people from high school who I've kept in contact with and still make a point to see at each chance I get. We had a wonderful date night of revolving sushi, a walk on mill ave to tempe town lake, QT smoothies and youtube videos.
I enjoy spending time with her because I am able to talk to her about life and she's able to give me advice. We chatted obviously about my move to Oklahoma to be with Dustin and where our lives had ended up. Her and I both agreed that we are no were where we thought we'd be four years ago, but its not a bad thing its a good thing. I am extremely thankful for Dustin being brought into my life and cannot believe that I chose to take this path that lead me to him. What is scary to look back on is-I almost took the other route-I almost didn't fly out to indiana that summer. It baffles me to think about where my life would be right now if I hadn't chosen that path. Were Dustin and I destined to find each other in another way? or was my decision the key puzzle piece that solidified our futures.
As I am about to graduate from college, I look back and these past four years and see how wonderful they truly were. Many people say college is the best years of your life. I agree it was wonderful-and it wasn't for any scholastic or "college parties" reason-it was because in college I learned who i am and what is important to me. I grew up and realized I didn't have to settle for what was there- i needed to branch out and find something new. I feel in love-deeply and forever in love. I've grown up a lot since the last time I put on a cap and gown and I'd like to think I got more out of these past four years than a degree to hang on the wall.
As I sat on the bench overlooking Tempe town lake, i thought to myself "am I ever going to come back here". It was an odd thing to think about-leaving a place you've come to call home. But in reality home isn't a physical place, its in love you have for others and those who love you. I'll be home when I'm with Dustin and I know I'll always have a place here too.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Dustin's Weekend Trip
Friday night after he got in, we went to Benihana's for my birthday dinner. I've never gone there for a birthday dinner and always wanted to. I hadn't eaten all day, so I was ready for all the food! I defiantly had a food baby! (for those who don't know what a food baby is....its when you eat way too much and your stomach sticks out like you're preggo! Thanks meredith for the terminology!) We named our food baby "Sam" after our (very Japanese) cook named Sam.
Saturday, Dustin and I went to the Phoenix Zoo. I don't know why but for some reason I love going to zoo's and aquariums, I guess it lets me hang on to my childhood. The zoo was very crowded, but all the animals were out so we got to see everything. Including some things we wish we hadn't! Dustin has really liked goats ever since he was little, so his favorite part was the petting zoo where he got to see to goats butt heads with each other.
After the zoo we went to lunch at Lucille's BBQ at Tempe Marketplace then went over to Ikea to check out some things for our apartments in Oklahoma.
That evening, Dustin and I and the rest of the family went to the Diamondbacks game for Meredith's birthday. Afterwards we came home and meredith opened bday presents.
Sunday Dustin was leaving so we had breakfast at home and then just relaxed until he had to go to the airport.
It's weird to think that this was the last time Dustin would come out to Arizona as us being in a distance relationship. We're coming to the end of the long distance and while we're both very exciting-its strange to fully grasp. We've been together almost 3 years and we never known anything else, but I am so excited to finally be in the same place as he is and am looking forward to our future in Oklahoma!
Monday, March 22, 2010
We flew into Tulsa then it was about an hour drive to Stillwater. It's a small town-but still large enough to have a SUPER walmart (oh yaa) and other strip mall shopping centers.
We got in that afternoon and went out to check out some apartments. We looked at 2 different ones, basically the nicest in the area. For various reasons, Dustin and I got separate apartments. It wouldn't be my first choice but I do understand why it is important to have our own space after never living in the same state before!
The next morning we went back to sign on an apartment. We choose one that is built right on a golf course so Dustin gets free golfing (but theres free tanning there for me) Dustin will be moving in the beginning of June for football training camp and I'll head out there in July.
The remainder of the trip was spent checking out the town and trying to figure out a place for me to work!
I'm excited for the move and the change. A little nervous just to make sure I find a job when I'm out there! The Sports facilities are great for Dustin and his work with the football team. Its going to be an adventure for the both of us but I'm glad to be going at it together :)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
As Long As There is Love...
Ever wake up from a dream and just lye there going over it in your head so that you don't forget it? Well I had quite the odd/disturbing dream last night about the end of the world. I am quite a fan of apocalyptic theories/conspiracies but this dream was just flat out weird. As I write this I cannot remember exactly what happened in that dream or how everything played out, all I can remember is a voice at the very end telling me one thing...
"As Long as there is Love....the world will never end"
I told Dustin about my dream and he told me "Well baby we've got love"
Yes we do :)
And I guess what I was told in the odd and disturbing dream is true. If you find yourself in situations where it does feel like your world is crashing down around you, love will always hold you up.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plains...
Well its official.....Dustin got a job offer from Oklahoma State University and we're moving there later this summer! I'm so glad and relieved that a decision has finally been made and proud of Dustin for all of his accomplishments.
When the notion of Dustin not going to ASU first became reality, I knew that no matter where he was I was going to go with him. We've been in a long distance relationship for 2 1/2 years now and while we could go more time, its something neither of us wanted to do.
Moving to Oklahoma means that Dustin and I are leaving everything behind, family friends, the comfort of home. But going through this process together is going to make it much easier.
When I tell people I'm moving, one of the first questions is about marriage. Are we going to get married before we leave? When will we get married?
Dustin and I have come to the decision that we want to wait to get married until after he is done with Grad school. We're not going to rush into a marriage just because we're moving . I don't think it would be a wise decision for either of us because we've never lived in the same place before.
Some may think I'm crazy to follow my boyfriend to another state without being married (or engaged) but I'm confident in our relationship and am completely assured by him and my feelings that we will be together.
The plan is to fly out to OSU (located in stillwater OK) over spring break to check everything out. We need to find a place to live and just get a sense of our new surroundings. I'm not sure of the exact date of the move, but we're thinking sometime in early July.
It's a big step for the both of us and one that will not be easy by any means. But we will be together and that means absolutely everything to me.
Monday, February 8, 2010
"What are you doing here?"
So since the last post, dustin made arrangements to go out to the 2 different Grad schools he's looking at. At first he said he would have to be gone Valentines day weekend ( the weekend I was planning on visiting) and I said it was ok I'd just come visit the following weekend. Well turns out he needed to go to the 2nd graduate school the following weekend so it wasn't going to work out either. We had basically come to the consensus that we weren't going to see each other in the month of february. We knew it wouldn't be ideal, but it was manageable and we've spent much more time away from each other than that.
Well cut to 2 weeks ago, as the Indianapolis colts won the AFC championship game against the Jets. Dustin had the privilege of being able to work the game with the Jets and was very happy he got to be there to see the Colts win. (Yes he worked for the Jets but has always been a Colts fan). Well after the game I kept thinking to myself "Wouldn't it be fun to go out to indiana to watch the colts in the super bowl?" Literally a few minutes later I get a phone call from Dustin's mom and she asks me "So are you coming out for the Super bowl?" Well I guess it was more of a command than a question but I responded "I can" and she offered to buy my plane ticket for me. Well of course I'd agree to that! We then both decided that we weren't going to tell Dustin I was coming out that weekend and surprise him.
So for 2 weeks I had to keep my mouth shut about my plans. It was so hard not to talk to Dustin about it and be excited with him. But I was able to hold it together and not reveal anything for the 2 weeks.
On thursday I told Dustin I had to pick up a shift at work and work basically all day (to give me an alibi for when I was on the plane) So I left Phoenix that morning and arrived in Indy later that afternoon. His mom picked me up from the airport and we proceeded up to Purdue to surprise Dustin.
Well when we got up to Dustin's apartment. His mom went to the door to have Dustin come out and help "unload things" and I hid in the back seat of her car. As he opened up the trunk to unload, I popped up and yelled (what else?) "SURPRISE!" He stopped for a moment, then stared then it finally registered who he was looking at and he said half excited and half in still disbelief, "What are you doing here?" . It really was one of the most exhilarating things to be able to surprise him and pull it off (Even though he claims he had hunch...riiiiiight).
I was able to spend the weekend with him and even though the Colts unfortunately lost the Super Bowl :( I am still so thankful that I was able to be with him. I really think it was so important for us to see each other before Dustin left for his Grad school trips. Both for encouragement for him and for reassurance for us. its been a hard couples weeks trying to figure everything out but no matter where he decides to go, I know he is making the best decision for his career and I will be right there next to him.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Everything Happens for a Reason
the roses Dustin had sent to my work today
card reads "Just Because...Love, Dustin"
Well in the past couple days, Dustin and I have received news that we weren't exactly planning for. Since we began dating 2 1/2 years ago, we have talked about Dustin coming out to Arizona for Grad School. We've talked about it ever since we've been together and I guess you could say we were counting out chicken's before they hatched but I think we just wanted to know there was a light at the end of the tunnel of distance.
Well...Unfortunately Dustin was not selected for the graduate assistantship at ASU. the news was hard for the both of us to deal with but we knew we couldn't dwell upon it. I knew bottom line I did not want to be away from him for any longer and would go wherever he went.
Right now, Dustin is deciding between 2 good schools to continue on with his education and athletic training. One is closer to Arizona and one is closer to Indiana. Either place would be an adventure and an opportunity. I am supportive of whichever school he chooses and which ever is the best for him career and education wise. So I suppose I will be moving sometime before august...
It will be difficult for the both of us to pick up and go to a brand new place, but I am happy and confident that as long as we are together everything will be perfect. I am glad I get to share this experience with him. I am so proud of Dustin for everything he's accomplished and he should be very proud of himself as well. I just know with the dedication and drive he has for his field that he will be very successful.
I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, and while it may not make sense to us right away, there is a plan and everything will work it self out for the best.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Spending the Holidays Together

Gina flew in on Christmas Day this year so that we could spend our first Christmas actually together. It was nice to spend the holiday together and with the snow it made everything perfect. It was nice to be with Gina for two weeks but then again it is harder to say goodbye when you are together for an extended period of time. On Gina's visit back home (inside joke) we spent Christmas Day evening exchanging gifts (no, no ring yet), drinking hot chocolate, and staying warm inside while it was snowing outside. Then on the 26th we went to my Melvin side Christmas and that experience kept with us through the 28th. Let me explain.....On the Melvin side Christmas no one really made a meal, there was basically just salsa cheese dip, meatballs, chips, wieners, and other snack foods. But luckily when we went to the Cline (my mom's side) Christmas we had a Christmas dinner. Not to take anything away from the Melvin side because we had fun but the food was not too pleasing in many ways. So on the 27th there was a Colts game and they were playing the Jets at home. So since I did my intern with the Jets, I was lucky enough to help them out during the game. It was an amazing experience working on the field with the Jets and helping out on a regular season game. But it was really tough watching my favorite team on the other side. Either way the game was fun. My mom, sister, her boyfriend, and Gina all had tickets right behind the Jets sideline on roughly the 25/30 yard line. They were really good seats but unfortunately Gina was spending half the time getting sick and becoming close friends with the ladies room toilet and no this wasn't because I left out detail of a "fun" night the night before. It was for still to this day some "unknown" reason. Once the game was over I meet the fam back at home to see Gina and my sister on the couch in a blanket. Both were sick and had it bad, especially my sister who couldn't get to the toilet in time (another inside joke but for now.....enough said). So while the were sick I was thinking I was in the clear because I had my flu shot. Well I thought wrong because roughly around 2 am me and the toilet became good friends for about 30 minutes. Anyways come to find out almost everyone who went to the Melvin side Christmas got sick and all about the same time too. A lot of us think it was food poisoning because we all had the cheese dip with hamburger meat in it and that had to do it. So we spent the 28th recovering.
On New Year's Eve the fam went to Weber Grill in downtown Indianapolis and had a really nice dinner and evening. Gina and I spent the night in and just enjoyed the final minutes of 2009 together and welcoming in the New Year. We were debating on going out but decided staying in was best. On New Years Day we went to Dave & Busters to play some arcades and watch the Purdue vs. West Virgina game (Purdue killed WV).
Then another night my mom and I took Gina a night out to the L-Town bars. This experience was my first too and for good reasons. We went to a bar called Big Daddy's and it was full of rednecks and just plain out different people dancing while "The Cornfield Mafia" band was playing. Gina and I just sit and laughed the whole time at the experience. Then we went to a more low key bar and played pool. It was maybe Gina's first time playing pool, if not, it sure looked like it ( I love you babe :). Gina would try to hit the cue ball hard and it hardly ever worked out for her. Most of the time she would hit the side of it and the cue ball would just roll 12 inches to the left or right. But either way we had a lot of fun and probably won't do that again.
On the 6th I took Gina to a really nice seafood restaurant called Oceanaire. This place fly's in fresh seafood daily and has the best crab cakes ever!!! Me and Gina always have a "Date Night" when we come see each other and it is a nice tradition and something that we will always do when we are long distance anymore.
We then had a lot of snow come in on the 7th, so we decided to go outside and play in the snow since it is something Gina isn't use to. Gina had about 20 layers of clothing on and looked like a penguin when she walked due to all of the layers.
Then came the 8th and that is when Gina left. Like I said before, it is always harder when you are together longer and then have to leave. But we always have something to look forward to when we leave each other and that is knowing that we will see each other again soon.
This is both our last semester at college and is weird to think that we are almost done. These past four years have flew and have been an amazing 2 1/2 years of my life with Gina in it. I am still waiting to hear back from ASU for grad school and if things don't follow through then I'll try other schools. Either way Gina has made it easy on me by letting me know that where ever I go she goes. The next time we will see each other is in the near future, Valentines Day. So until then we go back to our long distance but even bigger hearts.
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