So now that I am back from the Jets training camp, I know have more time on my hands to be more involved with blogging (and talking to Gina :)).
The Jets experience was one of a kind and something that I will always remember. It consisted of a lot of work and long hours (which makes things hard on a relationship). It was difficult not being able to talk to Gina as much as I would like but it was just another obstacle that we overcame and are now back on track. It feels different coming back to Purdue this year, because I feel as if I came in a "level" higher than I was going out from Purdue. It's also different in the aspect of being closer to seeing Gina, being back kinda is a checkpoint in knowing that she will be here soon and everything will be perfect. One of the things that got me through camp is knowing that I can see her soon and also that I can be with my family for a little while. I try to always look at things positive in different situations, such as when Gina leaves or vice verse, as a milestone to us being together and not worrying about distance anymore rather than thinking that we won't be seeing each other in who knows how long (even though anytime we do leave each other it is sad). I am glad to be back home and I am hitting the ground running with Purdue football (which won't be AS time consuming as the NY Jets). I am looking forward to this last year of college at Purdue and plan to enjoy every moment of it, especially the days I get to see the love of my life. Gina is right in saying that this only means for us to be closer to one another and not having to worry about distance. I am working hard to hopefully get in as a GA with the ASU football team next year, so that way I can see Gina everyday, which will be weird at first but I'm sure I will get comfortable to that situation very quickly. I love you babe :)
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